Centaur Rising Teaches Commitment
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Every day horses appear for sale on the internet. How we empathize with each of these creatures!
At Centaur Rising we teach people to not buy (and certainly not breed!) a horse for which they cannot make a long-term (hopefully a lifetime) commitment.
We understand that our perspective is vastly different from the majority of stables where the trainer says, “Get rid of that horse. I’ll help you find a better one.”
Every one of our 13 school horses has challenges. Any one of them could overhear “get rid of that horse” on a bad day. We teach students to appreciate each horse’s diversity, to learn how to work through the horse’s limitations, to value him for who he is.
What our students learn with one horse can be applied to many others throughout the student’s lifespan. We help our students recognize that discarded horses face increasingly bleak futures as they continue to be rejected through the course of their lifetimes.
Alternately, there is great joy in continually improving one’s partnership!
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Centaur Rising Teach Confidence
Riding lessons and horse camp giift certificates are also available for family and friends.