Riding Lessons
Horse Camps
After School
You Can Help


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12889 S. Parker Ave.
Pine, CO  80470


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Youth Continuity

photoJust as Centaur Rising is committed to the long-term care of horses, we are also committed to the long-term youth development of the individual child.  Our equestrian youth programs are structured to provide for advancement and achievement not just in correct riding but in service to others.

Little Kids

Pre-schoolers begin with private one-half-hour horseback riding lessons.  Kindergarteners, first and second graders start with private lessons.  Kids ages eight and up may begin with "After School at the Stable".  All lessons, from pre-school through teens (and adults!), teach the correct foundation for a lifetime of horseback riding.  We very much encourage students to start at a young age, ideally before the age of ten.

photoHorse Leasing

When a child has taken horse riding lessons for a while, CR instructors may suggest to the parents that the child part-lease one of CR's school horses.  A horse lease helps parents determine the child’s level of interest and commitment to horses.  Horse leasing enables the child to ride a proven horse on a less supervised basis than is the case with riding lessons.  (In a lesson situation, the horse might actually be taking direction from the instructor.)  A lease allows the student to evaluate his ability to control the horse outside a lesson situation.

Learning to Teach Others

Students sufficiently advanced to lease or board a horse are offered the opportunity to assist, under close adult supervision, with the teaching more beginner riders in Horse Camp and After School at the Stable.  Here teenagers are challenged to actually articulate what they have learned.  Here they gain much self-confidence and self-esteem.  They teach others how to lunge a horse.  They really feel they belong when they can help with teaching and supervising!

photoLearning How to Train a Horse

As a child demonstrates skills in learning to manage his/her leased horse, he/she may be invited to move up to a more challenging school horse – or it may be time for parents to purchase a horse for their child.  Students who lease or board a horse as part of Centaur Rising's (CR) programs are required to take weekly private riding lessons.  These lessons enable a student to make progress with his/her horse, to genuinely learn to train that horse and to develop the horse-human partnership that is the heart of CR.  (Please check out the horses that have been trained entirely by students in this way!)

Past Achievements

Students progressing through the above sequence have demonstrated remarkable results with horses.  It is our fervent desire that these students also continue to make contributions to others and to animal welfare as a whole.  In this way, the work of CR is perpetuated for generations to come!

photoBoth parents and supporters must understand that the optimal fulfillment of our mission lies with long-term commitment.  Starting a student as a young child is an important component of this mission.

There are many children who would benefit immeasurably from the continuity of our youth programs.  Your donations to CR’s Sponsor a Student program will make this possible.

The young woman shown on this page is Brooke DeVore Harris at ages 8, 10, 12 and 14.  Brooke now is a mother of two herself and holds an MS from Texas A&M.